Text to Speech is your gateway to effortlessly integrate Speech Synthesis into your Unity projects for WebGL. Simply enter the text to be spoken and click on speak to generate voice on the fly, without the hassle of a recording studio. This can be used in your apps and games for voiceovers, narration, NPC dialogues, etc.,FeaturesAdjust,Rate - sets the speed at which the utterance will be spoken, with a minimum of 0.1 and a maximum of 10Pitch - sets the pitch at which the utterance will be spoken, with a minimum of 0.1 and a maximum of 10Volume - sets the volume that the utterance will be spoken at, with a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1Get and set a list of all voices available on the deviceWide variety of voice accentsWhat's new -1. Added functionality to stop speech utterance midway2. Added "OnSpeechEnded" callbackTo Check Browser CompatabilityDEMO