An environment asset pack inspired by the current 3D adventure games and of old. This package focuses on providing artistically crafted environment assets.Set up for the built-in render pipeline by default.URP supportConverting to URP can be done through Edit/Render Pipeline/Fantasy Adventure Environment/Convert to URP. This will unpack all shader graphs and convert the materials in the package.Some grass features are not available (noted in description) as this means replicating the work done for the Stylized Grass Shader package at no cost.Documentation | PC Demo | Forum threadFeatures➮ Custom shaders for trees and vegetation, to enable stylized rendering and animations➮ Beautiful wind animations on trees and vegetation➮ Foliage bends away from the player➮ Grass color blends with terrain (tiled terrain and mesh terrain support, not available in URP)➮ LOD's and collision meshes for all assets that need them➮ Tree billboard LODs, for optimal performance in open landscapes➮ Tailored example environment sceneContents▪ 18 types of plants▪ 3 Spruce trees▪ 3 Birch trees▪ 3 Stylized trees▪ 2 Willow trees▪ 3 Palm trees▪ 1 Pine tree▪ 6 tree bark materials▪ 6 terrain materials▪ 7 Cliffs, to augment your terrain (2k textures)▪ 4 small rock clusters▪ Matching skybox panorama (up to 8k resolution)▪ Lens flare texture atlas▪ Animated localized sunshaft effects▪ Fog sheet effect▪ Falling leafs particle effect▪ Wind trails particle effect▪ Post Processing Stack/URP profile and color grading texture▪ Basic water shaderAdditional features▪ Shaders support custom SpeedTree models▪ GPU (indirect) Instancing supported▪ Vegetation Studio Pro integrated shader controllers▪ Cliff shader with (Triplanar) global color map and detail normals▪ Cliff coverage (snow, grass, sand, etc)▪ Tree shader supports color variation▪ Shader GUIs with documentation toggles▪ Editable Amplify Shader Editor or Shader Graph shadersCompatible with▪ Vegetation Studio▪ Vegetation Studio Pro (integrated shader GUIs)▪ GaiaScreenshots captured in Gamma-color space in the built-in RP. Assets reconfigured for Linear space since v1.5.3[Refund Policy]For Built-in and URP (7.4.1+). All content is designed for mid-high range PC and console platforms (PS4/Xbox One). The downloadable demo runs at an average of 104 FPS across 2500+ benchmark reports.Mobile and Web platforms are not supported. VR on PC has been tested with no issues. Full details.All prefabs have colliders and LODs when necessary.