The progression system features Reputation, Weapon Skill, Profession, Experience, Progression Bar, and Stats systems with easy implementation into your own project.What's included in the progression systems?Reputation SystemThis component allows the creation and management of multiple factions within a game, enabling players to gain or lose reputation with these factions. The system supports leveling mechanics within each faction.It includes following functionality:Add & remove repuationChoose amount of levels each faction should haveEasily access the functions by your own scripts Setup several factionsSwitch between scenes without any issuesChoose to save local data (JSON)Weapon Skill SystemThe Weapon Skill System is a system which makes you being able to level up multiple weapon skills in your game.It includes following functionality:Add & remove weapon skillChoose amount of levels each weapon should haveEasily access the functions by your own scripts Setup several weapon skillsSwitch between scenes without any issuesChoose to save local data (JSON)Profession SystemThe Profession System is a system which makes you being able to level up professions in your game.It includes following functionality:Add & remove profession skillChoose amount of levels each profession should haveEasily access the functions by your own scripts Setup several professionsSwitch between scenes without any issuesChoose to save local data (JSON)Experience SystemA core feature of the progression systems.It includes following functionality:Add and remove experienceSet maximum levelSet experience required per levelChoose if you want rested experience when a player has been inactive for a certain amount of timeSwitch between scenes without any issuesChoose to save local data (JSON)When choosing between all these options simply add the GiveExperience script to an enemy or to a lootable object and select following option:Give Experience on destroy (when enemy dies)Give Experience on collider triggerSelect amount of experience to giveProgression Bar SystemThis smaller, yet impactful, system automatically generates a progression bar where you can set functions such as:Automatic repeat on completeRepeat infiniteSet amount of repeatProgress speedAttach your own script functions when a progression step has completedStats SystemThe Stats System offers a way to modify a character's statistical attributes, such as strength, agility, intelligence. You can set functions as:Add values to a specific statIncrease all values with a multiplier option (for example when a player levels up)Experience SystemProfession SystemWeapon Skill SystemReputation SystemProgression Bar SystemStats SystemThe systems has JSON serialization to save data between reload of scenes.