Snippet Manager is an easy and yet powerful way to store all your snippets (or even entire scripts) at the click of a button across ALL projects you have. Snippet Manager will know exactly where they are so there will never be a reason to have to go locating them.
1: 1 click save.
2: 1 click load
3: 1 click copy.
4:snippet preview window(can edit as well) also keeps proper formatting when pasting into the preview window.
5: Proper Copy(So you don't have to fight Mono with pasting issues).
6: Drop Down Menu with all your snippets.
7: Delete snippet button.
8: Uninstall Preservation (Keeps them even when uninstalling Unity for a new version of Unity).
Snippet Manager is very lightweight and powerful for what it is with it's preservation safety so you never have to worry about snippet loss when changing Unity versions.
And best of all, as long as this Editor Extension is in your project it will automatically find the snippets so syncing across projects is seamless without even pressing a button!
Not tested on Mac and Linux.
If anyone tests this on them platforms let me know so I can remove this note.