Turret Flak Combat
Unity component, simulate a flak turret battle, two enemies behaviour Bombs Launcher and Kamikaze Mode.
Demo Flak model 4 cannons.
- Independent animated cannons
- Fire particle
- Day battle
- Nigh battle
- Light cone
- Direct shoot
- Timed shoot(as real flak)
- Parabolic shoot
- Automatic enemies planes tracking system
- Controlled by (World Space) canvas on flak
- Player character go in go out system
- Run time vertical cannons calibration
- Closest enemy distance indicator
- Run time change :
Parabolic shoot
Shoot power
Timed explosion on air
Explode after seconds
- Killed planes
- Active planes
- Many sound effect
- Very easy to customise
- 8 demo scene:
On terrain battle day time bombs
On terrain battle day time kamikaze
On terrain battle night time bombs
On terrain battle night time kamikaze
On sea battle day time bombs
On sea battle day time kamikaze
On sea battle night time bombs
On sea battle night time kamikaze
- No DLL all open C# clean code
- Works on all platform.
- Works on all Unity version.
- well documented
WebGL Demo
Flak Combat Lite
Unity Forum