A free sample of The 8-bit Jukebox, the varied 8-bit chiptune music collection, with styles ranging from NES and Gameboy to Commodore 64 and 80s arcade.Produced and composed by Andrea Baroni.PLEASE NOTE: some of the songs from the preview above are not present on this "Lite" free version. 18 full songs/tracks43 mins of original music - 44kHZ 16bit wav files--------------------------------------------------UPGRADE TO THE "FULL" VERSION:162 audio tracks. A huge package full of songs, loops and stingers!View it here--------------------------------------------------DOWNLOAD A FREE MUSIC PACK:Join Andrea Baroni's newsletter and download a free music pack with 16 tracks from his best-selling music packs, ranging from chiptune to epic orchestral compositions.CYBERLEAF STUDIOcyberleafstudio.comANDREA BARONIandreabaroni.com