A cute little bot to help carry your loads! This quirky guy (or girl!) comes with multiple textures, full rig, and animations!A cute, rounded robot for use in any game! Suitable for mobile games! Comes with 4 textured skins and mulitple animations! Includes 10 animations!Inlcudes Animator Controller and Demo Animator Script4 Prefabs for easy use!14.8k tris -- Suitable for mobile games. (7.4k verts)Includes Rig4 x PBR Albedo Base Maps (2048 x 2048)3 x Emmssive Maps (2048 x 2048)2 x Normal Maps (2048 x 2048)2 x Metallic Maps (2048 x 2048)3 x Idle Animations3 x Sprinting Animations (Start, Stop, Loop)1 x Wave Animation1 x Death Animation1 x Grab Animation1 x Animator Controller