Zombies Bundle V2Five Customizable Zombie Models BundleIMPORTANT!If you bought previous version of this bundle on our old account and you're unable to download the individual assets, please, contact us at: studionewpunch@gmail.comLook for the assets in your Package Manager, not in the Asset Store.Links to the individual assets:Zombie GiantOldMan ZombieUrban ZombieZombie BigZombie Girl BWith this bundle you save you save more than 20%, one model is for FREE!Skinned and Rigged to Humanoid SkeletonNO ZOMBIE ANIMATIONS INCLUDED!You can use any Mecanim compatible animation to live it up! See at the bottom for more info.Low PolyOne Mesh and Body Parts meshes.Later can be used with various Dismemberment systems, or just to have bodies with missing limbs etc.PBR materials:Expression Blend ShapesIncluded are prefabs with Customization ScriptBuild-In, URP and HDRP materials and prefabsEyes and Jaw have bones tooIncluded is also Instantiate Scripts to spawn the customized character.Models have NO animations included!You can use any Mecanim compatible animation to live them up!The videos use Zombie Starter - MoCap Pack by MoCap Online.They have also Zombie PRO pack, check them out!You can use also Mixamo.com FREE animations!See how in this video: How to use my models with mixamo.com FREE animationsSee individual models pages