Data Preloader can save you time by instantiating prefabs with your data, logic, or whatever you need when your scene starts.
Instantly Access Your Prefabs and Data in Any Scene, Every Time.Are you constantly creating custom initialization processes for scene readiness, or finding yourself in need of the same data across different scenes? Data Preloader is here to streamline your workflow!Easily set up from Project Settings, Data Preloader loads your prefabs directly into your scenes. Say goodbye to the hassle of adding or removing instances when working between scenes, and avoid the inconvenience of duplicate objects. Eliminate the need for a separate scene just for loading your objects!With Data Preloader, you have the flexibility to activate or deactivate the entire system while debugging, or even manage specific objects as needed. Utilize the Content Loader to swiftly switch between prefab sets. Whether it’s your Audio manager, Observer pattern, or other essentials, Data Preloader ensures everything is ready and optimized in any scene you run.Quickly Configure in Project Settings for effortless setupFlexibly Deactivate the entire system whenever neededSelectively Disable specific components for tailored usageChoose 'Do Not Destroy on Load' option for persistent data across scenesPreload Data to ensure readiness before 'Awake' or 'Start' is called in scriptsFully Compatible with Enter Play Mode Settings for efficient workflow