“MAP GENERATOR 3D” allows you to generate endless visually impressive maps with a very high level of customization in minimal time.As an amateur game developer, working without an art and design team makes you realize that creating a functional and beautiful map, where all the “Gameplay” you have in your head comes to life, is the phase of the development process which consumes the most time to achieve mediocre results at best.If you create an ideal map in your mind and assign it a comparative value of 10, there would be two extreme situations. The first is to have unlimited resources as a development team with artists, designers and programmers, in this case you will be able to get a map worth 9.5 in a reasonable time, let's say, again for comparative purposes, that at a cost 10 At the other extreme is an amateur developer who has himself and a lot of enthusiasm. Well, this amateur developer, with “MAP GENERATOR 3D” will be able to obtain, in minimal time, infinite plans of value 6 and with a total cost of 1.• The user interface is so simple that it makes it an essential tool for designers and artists, as well as for programmers.• The UI is proposed through parameters exposed in a single “scriptable object”, an approach that greatly facilitates the saving of the generated plans, largely avoiding touching parts of the “asset” that could break its functionality.• Proposes integrated solutions for the generation of the map, the integration of art in the map created through a material assignment interface and the population of the map with “props” (trees, houses, stones, platforms, etc.) through two types of “spawners”. All these systems working together allow you to automate the creation of complex maps populated in a pre-established way with just the push of a button.• In all cases there are parameters to customize the “spawners” (include or not “collider”, vertical offsets, initial rotation of the props to adapt to the configuration of the assets created by each artist (orientation axis, prefab with children and different LOD, etc), scale, “art prefab”, density, etc).• In the process of “playing” with the parameters of the user interface to generate the map, it can show in real time the effects of the variations that the user is making, greatly facilitating the process of searching for a desired result.• Easy to use UI. No programming required.• All source code is included.• “MAP GENERATOR 3D” is lightweight and optimized for performance.• “MAP GENERATOR 3D” is the perfect companion to an “asset” with high quality materials. Our approach of integrating most of the map art through the assignment of a few materials (in “MapMatSO”) allows you to generate as many maps as you want in a matter of minutes with an impressive “look” and with a maximum level of customization.• “MAP GENERATOR 3D” is not an art “asset” but a procedural map generation utility with a very high level of customization and a utility for integrating “materials” and “props” created by artists. By not including the “prebabs” and “materials” necessary to create impressive maps, we have had to work harder to lay out the parameters and create the methods necessary to integrate art created by real artists, which we consider to be something that contributes greater added value to the end user of our “3D MAP GENERATOR”.•* “MAP GENERATOR 3D” does not include the character controller shown in the example scenes and marketing images and videos.•* “MAP GENERATOR 3D” does not include any of the art assets shown in the example scenes and marketing images and videos (models and materials).• The package works with all processing pipelines (integrated, URP, SRP, HDRP, custom RP). It is not a graphics package. You will only need to convert sample model materials for your SRP if you are not using the built-in SRP.