Anime-Style Character for Games, VR, VRChat & Virtual You-tubing. Fully Rigged and setup as Humanoid with several Blendshapes for Facial Expressions.4 types colored characters in Fantasy suitSex: FemaleRig: HumanoidPolygons: 54kTexture Resolution: 4K TexturesTexture Maps: DiffuseShader: Unity-chan ShaderFacial Expressions: Facial Expressions are provided as Blendshapes (Shape keys). There are lots of Blendshapes for each Elements of the face which you can use to make any expression you like. Also contains Visemes Blendshapes required for lip-sync in VR programs.Animations: Supports all kinds of Mixamo animations or any other Humanoid based animation.3 mecainim walk animations. HandOnHipsWalk, NeutralWalk, OjouWalkPose in render not included.Support: Unity 2018.1 & AbovePipeline: Standard Only (For other pipelines such as LWRP or HDRP, kindly switch the Shader to one supported on that platform)Number of textures: 21Minimum polygon count:40kMaximum polygon count:55kNumber of meshes/prefabs: 4Rigging: YesAnimation count: 3Animation type list: WalkingUV mapping: Yes