This package includes "one" character from the Cursed Toy series named;Shadowlop - The Creepy MascotCheck the original package HEREAdditionally, this package comes with a custom shader graph called "Cursed_Shader." to add your character's Dirt and additional details.YouTube Showcase Videos are Made and Recorded in UNITY HDRPNumber of textures : 6Texture dimensions : Base character textures are 4K - Dirt textures are 2KPolygon counts:Shadowlop - 15.7KNumber of meshes/prefabs 1 MESH - 1 PREFABRigging: YesAnimation count : 6Animation type listIDLEWALKCHASEATTACKGETDAMAGEDEATHLOD : No LODSShader : Cursed Shader - SHADER GRAPHThis package comes with a custom shader called "Cursed_Shader." With this shader, you can add a dirt value to your character using the secondary texture called "Dirt." (All characters come with a Dirt texture.)For Dirt, there are secondary inputs including a "Normal Map," "Dirt Color," and "Dirt Mask Map." You can also adjust various parameters, such as Metal and Roughness, and modify the Base Color values to your liking.Materials: 1 Material