For indie develeopers, which iteratively working on meshes regarding to prefabs with Blender, this tool is the salvation.
Do you have bad experiences with prefabs after updating your 3D model? If yes, then this is the tool you need.
The Pefab Updater synchronizes the prefab with your changed 3D model. For full synchronization just one model file is supported, which mesh/meshes must start on the root GameObject or must start on children of the root object. This is very important, if you iteratively work with complex models. For prefabs with more model file references a light weight update is available. This update just actualizes the position, rotation and scale.In this way you can use Unity prefabs in a really efficient way, you don't have the time consuming overhead after changing your 3D model.
Editor option for mapping texture on material (For Unity standard metallic). Meant to be for Substance Painter generated textures, but you can adapt your own texture naming workflow or simply change the editor script for your requirements. The big advantage with Substance Painter is again the fast iteration for texturing your meshes and you can get a coffee until the mapping is done. Especially converting the normal maps to normal map takes time. All the pain with drag&drop textures on material is gone for me. If you have 20 materials, for each material 3-4 textures, then you will see how much time and pain is saved by this functions...
Full source code available.
Just right click on your prefab, click on "Update Prefab" and your prefab will be synchronized with your model.
Hint: you get the best results, if the root node of the prefab and the root node of the 3D models have no mesh renderer.
What will be synchronized?
- meshes
- skinned meshes (skeleton/bones)
- weights
- order of bones in skinned meshes
- referenced bones
- materials
- names, position, rotation, scale
What will be recognized?
- recognizes hierarchy movements for bones and meshes
- recognizes new meshes, bones/skeletons
- recognizes removed meshes and bones
Is there more?
- prefab references can be relinked in already existing 3D models (FBX, blend, DAE)
I sacrificed time for this feature, because I'm an indie game developer and I cannot burn time for tedious model/prefab synchronization. I continuously improve my 3D models, some of them needed a lot of time to be configured in Unity. Losing the pre-configured scripts, collider, particle effects, rigidbodies and more, after updating the model led me to do not use prefabs until the end of the game development. But now I need them because I have to instantiate the prefabs under the "Resource" directory.
Just the models in the robot and the building videos are included, the space ship is not included!