Cover Set that enable you to develop a comprehensive cover system prototype.📢Before making a purchase, carefully read the description and visit all the links📢📖DOCUMENTATION LINK🎥PREVIEW VIDEOThe available Cover Set animations will enable you to prototype the entire system required for your game. The package includes walking, looking, obstacle avoidance, and bait throwing animations, all in two different walking styles.We want the product to be of the highest quality, and we want you to be as satisfied as possible. So if something isn't working or if you have any questions, please ask them on Discord or in the question section.🗣️DISCORD🌐VANILLA LOOP WEBSITEFeatures:The animations are categorized as -Cover stand (CoverHi) - 112Cover crouch (CoverLo) - 112Root Motion - 112 animation filesIn Place - 112 animation filesRigged to skeleton: YesIK bones are included: YesNumber of Animations: 112 (448 with InPlace both skeletons)Animation types: Root Motion & In PlaceNumber of Characters: 1Source files available in the project.Documentation: DOCUMENTATION LINK