A Unity plugin to unleashes CoreHaptics for refined or custom feedback. Elevate projects with immersive tactile experiences, enhancing user engagement in applications and games.iOS Haptics Pro is a Unity plugin to unlocks the potential of CoreHaptics. Tailor tactile feedback for any genre, from predefined sensations to fully customizable experiences. Elevate your project with engaging and unique haptic interactions.SpecsDeveloped in Swift and Xcode 15Well tested on devices since iPhone 7Easy to setupWell coded and documented following Apple's documentationApple DocumentationApple Reference GuideDemo AppdemoMinimum iPhone & iOSiPhone 7iOS 13FeaturesNotification Haptics with controlled intensitySuccessWarningErrorImpact Haptics with controlled intensitySimple ImpactCommon ImpactLightMediumHeavyRigidSoftSelection HapticsCustom HapticsA fully customizable feature to control when and how the feedback will occur. You can create unique patterns to your project.Create patterns in Editor and save to .jsonset haptic types as:hapticTransienthapticContinuousAdd and Loop through a haptic event listControll time and parameters like:hapticIntensityhapticSharpnessattackTimedecayTimereleaseTimesustainedControl curves throughout timeContactus if you have any question regarding endless possibilitiesAI was used to help generate the marketing images, summary and description.