'NetDrone Starter Kit' that has been developed by 'NetDrone Unity'.
Developed new multiplayer game with the example of survival shooter.
Including C# client & server source and available in real-time play up to 16 players in the same room.
Designed to be easy to follow with unity engine
Create the most powerful multiplayer game now.
- Login
- Chatting
- Cheat
- Auto Reconnect
- Auto Match
- Room Create, Join, Leave
- Room Trespass
- Channel, Room Broadcast
- Kill/Death/Hunt Status
- Respawn, Attack, Move Sync
- PvP, PvE
- Protocol Information
- Ping/Pong
- Network Status
- Misc
- DummyClient: Console Client
- CryptTester: RC5/RC6 encrypt tester
- ReuseMemory: Reuse memory tester
- DataConverter: CSV to Binary CSV tool
- API Reference (CHM)
- User guide (PDF)
You can find several examples of NetDrone Engine in Here.
For more information and enterprise license, please see the guide documentation in the docs folder or visit our forum.