Universal Stylized UI contains most of the basic elements that you need in your UI.
Most of elements are customable and presliced.Package contains few .png files which should be compatible with every Unity versions. All you need is "2D" package from package manager installed to slice the atlas.Package contains UI elements for stylized games:- 3 sets of buttons in 7 colors,- popup window background,- most common icons for mobile in 2 variations, one of them is ready for coloring in Unity.- competition icons like crown, trophie,- set of ribbons in 3 colors,- eps and ai file,- mockup files,- 4x Atlas in 2k resolutionFont used in mockups - Lilita one- presliced png atlases in 2k- customable elements- two versions of icon sets- demo scene- mockup files- EPS and AI file