Save time and your nerves! PDF Documentation Pro is a powerful asset that creates a simple and informative PDF documentation of your C# project with only a few clicks.Pro versionThe Pro version of PDF Documentation has multiple features added on top of the Lite version:Customizable info box colorsAccurate glyph information, allowing exact text alignmentEncoded file contentsOption to include a logo on the cover pageProper cross-reference table and metadataEmbedded fontsMultiple font optionsMuch more customizable introduction textBold and colored textIn-line figures with numbering and descriptionsCustomizable text alignmentAsset Store -compatible script referenceAsset Store assets with scripts are often required to include a script reference and a step-by-step setup guide to get started with using the asset. Both of these can be created with the PDF Documentation asset.FeaturesThe main feature is creating script reference for your C# scripts. In addition to the basic features in the Lite version, the aforementioned customization and quality-of-life features are included in the Pro version.Comments directly from your codeThe C# script reference will include proper comments from the code. For example, having a 'summary' tag comment before a method will display this comment in the script reference.Getting startedThe asset includes a step-by-step guide for getting started (created with this very asset!).FeedbackIf you have any feedback or issues with the asset, don't hesitate to contact us or leave a review! All feedback is helpful and much appreciated.Generate PDF documentation for a C# projectExclude files and foldersExclude non-public elements or empty methodsChoose what to include in the table of contentsCustomizable info box colorsEncoded file contentsOption to include a logo on the cover pageProper cross-reference table and metadataEmbedded fontsMultiple font optionsMuch more customizable introduction textBold and color textIn-line figures with numbering and descriptionsCustomizable text alignment