Uncover hidden objects in Unity with the Terrain Scanner Shader. Scan your environment, reveal, and highlight concealed objects, even when obstructed by other elementDiscover the power of hidden object detection with our Terrain Scanner Shader, available now on the Unity Asset Store! Unveil the secrets of your virtual environment by scanning and revealing concealed objects in a stunning glow, ensuring nothing remains hidden. With our shader, detected objects remain visible for a defined amount of time even when obstructed by other elements in your scene.Get the Terrain Scanner Shader and illuminate the unseen, bringing a new dimension to your creations.This package contains 2 easy to use and fully customizable URP shaders for the terrain scanner effect and for the glow effect of the hidden objects.Fully customizable shaders.Terrain Scanner:Intersection depthIntersection colorBase Texture (create a dome like scanner)Alpha value of the base textureCombined alpha value of base and intersection colorGlow Shader:Glow colorTilingNoiseScaleScrollSpeedalpha value!ATTENTION!This package requires configuring the URP render pipeline and adding Render Objects to the renderer.Also please make sure to add the new Layer to your project adapt the LayerSwitcher to use your own layers.Please read the step by step instruction in the documentation after importing this asset!This package supports only the Universal render pipelinedocumentation explaining how to use shadersfully configurable shaders1 Terrain scanner shader1 glow shader for hidden objects (Adding a new "LootObject" layer required)URP Render Objects feature used for highlighting hidden objects