Easy Template Kit is an easy to use template kit, to kickstart your game project. Tons of new features through custom scripts as well!All template logic will work no matter the Render Pipeline you use, however the custom shaders used might not display as seen in the video.IMPORTANT: Have a look at the newly release Rapid Template - RPGWith Easy Template Kit - RPG you'll be able to kickstart your project. Not only is it a solid base for your game, it also adds tons of new features through custom scripting!This template kit is made for Game Creator 2, and it's modules. This will not work without! For a full list of dependencies please check the documentation here.FeaturesA basic overview of some of the bigger featuresMain Menu - including custom scripting for graphic settings, save & load and difficulty settingsIngame Menu - including inventory, skill system (completely new system), quests, settings and moreDual melee and shooter setup for the playerMore: material controller, regrowing items, breakables, etc.DependenciesThis asset requires the following:Game Creator 2Stats 2Behavior 2Inventory 2Quests 2Dialogue 2Melee 2SupportFor questions I would recommend using Discord, as your answer might already be there!YouTubeDiscordDocumentationRequires Shader Graph to be installed through the package manager