EventsPro is an extension of the built-in UnityEvents and UnityEngine.UI packages, providing extra features that help build functional, intuitive, and reactive systems powered by Unity Events.Events Pro: Extending UnityEvents and Unity UIDocumentation | DiscordFeatures include:Add up to 10 arguments in a UnityEventPass dynamic parameters from UI componentsImproved error logs for UnityEvents that make debugging easierUse reorderable UnityEvents for older versions of UnityClear UnityEvent lists in a single clickCreate custom UnityEvent-derived classes that take multiple argumentsInvoke complex behaviors on both custom and on built-in Unity components, like setting complex parameters on an AnimatorUse a Trigger-Action Agent system to quickly build and test behaviors and systems without codingCall events by name using an Event Announcer and Event ControllerAlso included:Auspex Inspector: Modify your Inspector with custom attributes to add conditions, buttons, and more.The GIB Toolkit: a collection of useful editor scripts that speed up tasks like finding shaders, missing materials and scripts, replacing prefabs, simulating physics, and more.GIB Extensions Scripts: A collection of extensions to MonoBehavior that allow you to quickly perform tasks related to transforms, vector math, collections, and more.Documentation | DiscordTested on Unity 2019-2022Compatible with all Unity OS platformsCompatible with IL2CPP (Requires handling additional included AOT-compile steps)No AI