Enrich your creative endeavors with the first installment of our Indian Gods Series - the majestic Lord Shiva Statue.🕉️ Indian Gods I - Lord Shiva Statue 🕉️◼ Key Features ◼• Exquisite Lord Shiva Statue Model• 6 High-Quality Textures (1024x1024 px)• Polygon Count: ~80,000• Single Mesh Prefab◼ Assets ◼• Stunning Representation of Lord Shiva• 1 Mesh Prefab with Detailed Textures• Demo Scene◼ Contact Support ◼• Documentation• Discord Server• Support Mail: indianoceanassets@gmail.com✅ Updatable AssetNumber of textures: 6Texture dimensions: 1024x1024 pxPolygon count: ~ 80000Number of meshes/prefabs: 1Rigging: No