This package consists of a textured, rigged, and animated 3d robot model. It uses Unity's generic rig, and has it's own set of animations. It would be suitable for a futuristic, cyberpunk game.Security Bot Level 2 is a beefed up version of level one, with dual machine guns, and moves on a single wheel while on the ground. In flying mode it uses two powerful thrusters. There are three color variants, and a higher, and lower, poly version.2 Meshes (UV mapped)securityBot_L2.fbxsecurityBot_L2_lo.fbxSB2_cartridge.fbxSB2_magazine.fbxLevels of DetailsecurityBot_L2.fbx (4 lods)LOD0 13,840 trisLOD1 7,594 trisLOD2 3,942 trisLOD3 2,092 trissecurityBot_L2_lo (3 lods)LOD0 7,594 trisLOD1 3,942 trisLOD2 2,092 trisLB2_magazine.fbx (4 LODs)LOD0 268 trisLOD1 60 trisLOD2 36 trisLOD3 12 tris19 Prefabs3 color variants3 damaged color variants3 lo color variants3 lo damaged color variants1 magazine1 cartridge5 particle effects17 Standard PBR Materials3 color variants (7 materials)3 damaged color variants (6 materials)1 place holder material for decal, or logo4 particle materials31 Textures11 2048 x 2048 color maps4 2048 x 2048 normal maps4 2048 x 2048 ambient occlusion maps4 2048 x 2048 metalic maps2 2048 x 2048 emmision maps2 512 x 512 particle map1 1024 x 1024 decal color map1 1024 x 1024 decal normal map1 1024 x 1024 metalic mapAnimationsAnimations use Unity's generic rig21 animations with root motion "_RM"20 animations that require scripting for motion "_legacy"6 in-place animations eg. idle