## Technical Details### Compatibility- Unity version: 2021.3 or higher### Dependencies- Unity Particle System package- Unity Visual Effect Graph package### Installation1. Import the `CloudGenerator` package into your Unity project.2. Attach the `CloudManager` script to an empty GameObject to manage cloud generation and direction.### Usage1. Customize cloud appearance and behavior using the parameters in the `Clouds` script.2. Enable rain and lightning effects or VFX by configuring the appropriate fields.3. For rain and lightning VFX, use the provided `Direction` enum to choose the effect's direction.### Important Notes- Ensure Unity's Particle System and Visual Effect Graph packages are imported into your project.- Adjust scene lighting and shading settings for optimal visual effects.- The `CloudManager` GameObject defines cloud spawning and movement direction.### Updates and Future ImprovementsWe're committed to enhancing this tool and addressing user feedback. Stay tuned for updates and new features.