With 66 unique tracks, this captivating music collection takes you on an epic journey filled with adventure and fascination.Specially designed for game developers, this breathtaking music provides the perfect auditory backdrop to your fantasy worlds. This massive collection includes three assets, totaling 66 songs with a combined playtime of over 150 minutes. This imaginative music is versatile and suitable for all fantasy projects.This Music bundle includes:Fantasy Music Pack DEMO-YoutubeDark Rituals DEMO-YoutubeVortexia DEMO-YoutubeYou get royalty-free music that you can use in your game or movie project.FANTASY MUSIC PACK - Tracklist:Themes, Ambients & LoopsDanger situationExplorationFanfare 01Fanfare 02Harp musicJourney themeLand of elvesNormal lifeOver the mountainsPeaceufl momentThe horde is comingAdventureEast warriorMap viewPrepare for battleShop menuTensionVillageDARK RITUAL - Tracklist:Themes & LoopsAwakening of DarknessBlack MagicDark RitualsLost in the DarknessOpening the spirit WorldShadow DanceSilent RitualSummoning the DeadThe CurseThe End is NearThe End of the JourneyThe PactThe SacrificeVORTEXIA - Tracklist:Themes & LoopsDecayed HallsMystic Elven PursuitElven EnchantmentEnshrouded RuinsForest KingdomHarmony of the RealmsMajestic CanopyPulse of PowerRacing Against TimeWhispers of the RuinsEternal Woodland RealmForgotten TombsGloomy CatacombsRealm of EternitySword and SorceryThe Battle BeginsNumber of Audio Wavs: 66Sample rate / bit rate: 44,100 Hz, 16-bitDoes music loop: YesMinutes of audio provided: 159 minutes