Essential organization assetvFolders 2 helps you to organize your project and provides many workflow improvements and decoration optionsCustom icons and colors- Highlight important folders- Improve readability of project viewAutomatic icons- Sets icons based contents of foldersContent minimap- See types of assets inside foldersCustomizable palette- Add icons- Adjust colors- Export for use in other projectsCustomizable appearance- Hierarchy lines- Clearer rows- Minimal mode- Zebra striping- Content minimapShortcuts (work on the folder under mouse, no need to select it)- Press E to expand or collapse- Press Shift-E to expand only one object- Press Ctrl-Shift-E to collapse everythingReasons to upgrade from vFolders 1.0vFolders has been completely reworked and received a ton of productivity features, but remained minimal and lightweightMultiselection editing - set multiple icons or colors at onceCustomizable palette - add custom icons, export for use in other projectsCustomizable appearance - decorate folder tree to your likingShortcuts like in vHierarchy - save time expanding and collapsing foldersContent minimap - see what's inside folders without opening themStore data in .meta files - an option for teams to avoid merge conflictsAesthetic improvements - small adjustments that make the differencePerformance improvements