This asset allows you to create an awesome top-down RPG World(32x32). There are a good range of terrains, props variety and high quality animated characters.⭐TERRAIN✅ Several terrains variations tilesets with dozens of blending possibilities, such as:➥ Grass, gravel, dirt, sand and more.➥ Platform with 2 different heights➥ Platforms transitions (grass to grass/dirt, dirt to grass/dirt and transparency transitions)➥ A hole on the ground➥ Animated tilesets to create a coast, a beach and a river.➥ And much more✅ Auto-tiling support using Tiled Map Editor . It's already setup and ready to use.✅ Terrains are provided in 2 different formats, one for direct transition to another tile and the other with transition to transparency.*Notes-Unity's Rule tile system alternativeSince Unity's default rule tile system is somehow limited and does not cover some aspects of autotiling out of the box, tilesets with multiple heights(e.g wallswith 2 or more tiles of height) have no rule tile setup. Also, whilst animated tilesets are setup and ready to use, no tile variation is set. To sum up, 90% of all tilesets are setup and ready to use.-TiledMap Editor alternativeAll tilesets have full autotile support and this is as easy as selecting a brush for a specific tileset and start drawing.2D Map Editor: Tiled Map EditorTiled Map Editor maps to Unity: Super Tiled2Unity (This should be imported to Unity as a package)Sample Scenes:- Standard sample scene- TiledtoUnity scene (require Super Tiled2Unity package in order to load the scene)⭐PROPS / DECORATION (with Tiled setup too)- Dozens of props/decorations such as:✅ A vendor with animated NPC✅ Several Barrels✅ Crates✅ Buckets✅ Rocks✅ Several Lantern Poles designs (some are animated)✅ Fences✅ Signs✅ Trees, trunks and logs✅ Animated Campfires✅ Animated Water well✅ Animated Chests✅ Animated Shrines✅ Enemy structures for specific enemy encounter, such as stronghold and several big wooden logs with ropes to create walls.✅ Animated stronghold hatch✅ Barricades✅ Watchtower✅ Enemy tents✅ Enemy throne✅ Enemy altar✅ Animated Enemy flags✅ Cabin (with the option to use with or without the chimney, the tissue on the roof, the fences and the rope detail)✅ Cabin interior (bear carpet, bed, wooden chests, furnace and more)✅ Vegetation✅ Palm Trees, shells, pearls and coconuts✅ Stone and wooden bridge, cave/mine entrance, dragon fossil ✅ Several crops (corn, wheat, grape, pumpkin,tomato, strawberry, carrot and much more)✅ Seed bags/boxes for all crops✅ Plowed soil with transitions to watered/dry/fertilized soil✅ Training dummy with 3 hit animations✅ and more⭐CHARACTERS✅ Orc Warrior. Animations: Idle, Walk, Attack 1, Attack 2(prep, loop, finishing spin), Hurt and Death✅ Orc Mage. Animations: Idle, Walk, Magic Attack with 2 different effects, Melee Attack, Hurt and Death✅ Animated NPC vendor✅ Animals for the environment with several color scheme variations:- Duck - idle 1 (side view), idle 2 (side view), idle 3 (side view), 'walk' (side view, front view and back view)- Frog - idle 1 (side view, front view), idle 2 (side view, front view), idle 3 (side view, front view), jump (side view, front view and back view)- Bird (side view only) - idle 1, idle 2, lifting off, landing, flying, turning⭐FUTURE ROADMAP FOR THE 'EPIC RPG WORLD' SERIES (In chronological order)➥ Grass Land (Legacy)➥ Grass Land 2.0 ✔➥ Cemetery➥ Crypt ➥ Ancient Ruins➥ Sewers ➥ Old Prison➥ The Depths of the Mountain➥ Lava/Volcanic area➥ The Village➥ Mountainous area➥ Desert➥ A series of characters pack for all assets previously released (I'm also considering doing 4-direction animations, including the ones already released)*These themes are subjected to change based on people's feedback.❤️ Thank you for downloading EPIC RPG World - Grass Land 2.0❤️File count : over 4000 filesAnimated Tiles: YesAnimated Props: YesAnimation type:Animated autotilesAnimated items (lamp posts, chests, doors, campfire... )Animated charactersExternal dependencies: Tiled Map Editor, Super Tiled2UnityAdditional: pixelart, 2D topdown, tilesets, tile resolution 32x32