This package is for everyone. No need for optimization everything is already done for you, build your dream world. It supports all platforms & all Render pipelines its highly scalable.This package is extremely modifiable to suit different artistic styles. With advance easy to use shaders. It can be used for all game genres due to its scalability & best upclose quality. Has extremely reduced drawcall & very optimized shaders. The package looks excellent in the every lighting scenarios from night to day light tested with dynamic wealth. It supports all platforms & all Render pipelines. Textures are mostly in 2k we used smart shader trick to blow details seamless tiling & non-reptetive tilling for upclose looks especially for FPS games.Number of textures :339Texture dimensions: 1k, 2k to 4k but 95% are 2k.Minimum polygon countMaximum polygon countNumber of meshes/prefabsRigging: NoAnimation countAnimation type listUV mapping: YesLOD information : Most have 7 LODS but some have 4.Types of materials and texture maps are all PBR59 unique Rocks, Boulders, Slopes & Mountains5 unique Trees, 3 dead trees & 2 types Cactis.10 unique grasses, Plants, dead branch remains & bushes.79 total unique models339 unique texture maps418 unique textures & Models112 Prefabs530 items inside this mega assets packtextures contain start from 2048 to 4096 but 95% percent 4096.