Polarith AI offers all you need for achieving state-of-the-art movement AI with just a few clicks.Compatible with the latest Unity 2020.3Polarith AI offers all you need for achieving state-of-the-art movement AI with just a few clicks. Design complex movement behaviours and create immersive games or astonishing simulations by taking advantage of the sophisticated workflow.Open-source Formation extension available on GitHub.LINKS- Forum- Support- Documentation- Videos and tutorialsFEATURES | FREE & PRO- Easy to use with one-click setup- Design-oriented and reusable- Highly performant and scalable- Over 20 combinable behaviours- Active/passive collision avoidance- Dynamic obstacle avoidance- Single, crowd, and swarm simulation- Local decision-making- Context steering- Line and circle sensors for 2D/3D- Universal, pedestrian, and vehicle controllers- Extensible C# APIFEATURES | PRO ONLY+ Full 3D space movement+ Configurable spherical sensors for 3D+ 3D controllers: aircraft, rotorcraft, spacecraft+ Unity pathfinding integration+ Customizable paths and patrols+ Collider and visual bounds+ Aligned and oriented bounding boxes+ Unity NavMesh integration+ Fully editable 2D sensor shapes+ Level of detail AI technology+ Multithreading with load balancing+ Prioritized support guaranteed+ No Polarith logo during app startSOURCE CODEIf you require source code access, contact us for individual licensing. We offer:$ Complete source code$ Early access to new functionality$ Individual adaptions$ On-site service