Friends support me on my cool PATREON(Levels with a limited number of subscribers)You yourself vote which models you would like to receive.I present to you a pistol with animationsand a little customization.In the set you will also find hands with several skins.The pack contains 30 animations in place,hands 1,pistol 1,customization parts 12Only the hands have animations.Unfortunately, not the entire body is animated.Animations can be converted to humanoid ones.My plans are to launch different weapons for FPS With Humanoid.These animations work with my FPS starter pack, since one rig is responsible for all hands and animations.You will find many hands and different objects HEREAnim List:Attack 01Attack 02Attack 03Attack 04Block Get HitBlock IdleGet Weapon 01Get Weapon 02Hands UpHideIdle 01Idle 02Idle 03Idle AimIdle SightJumpLie Down On The GroundReload 01Reload 02Run 01Run 02ShotShot AimShot SightWalk 01Walk 02Walk 03Walk AimWalk SightWeapon InspectionVertex countsHands:14,014FlashLight 01:2,159FlashLight 02:1,245FlashLight 03:1,543Frame:1,521Sight 01:2,020Sight 02:1,755Sight 03:1,285Silencers 01:318Silencers 02:1,040Silencers 03:229Silencers 04:270Silencers 05:606Pistol:7,812Cartridge:3,462Texture Resolutions:Normals,Ao,Albedo,Metallic,Emissive(4096-4096)And(2048-2048)