Brand new foliage system for creating performant, dense and interactive grass in Unity. Allows easy runtime changes.
Supports PC & Mobile.Requires Unity 2022.3+.Requires to add render feature to your URP renderer to have foliage actually rendered.WebsiteDocumentationDiscordDownload demo (PC & Android)OverviewDragon Foliage is my brand new foliage system for Unity.It is inspired by many techniques from my personal observations in multiple AAA games.With it you can create highly performant, dense and interactive grass in your scene.Allows easy runtime changes.Supports both, PC & Mobile.See also:Dragon Water URPFeatures:Plant VarietyMultiple layers on single foliage surfaceUp to 255 different plants on single layer in single passVirtual (mixed) plants for more varietyVariable density at any given areaEach plant highly configurableReuse meshes and texturesHigh PerformanceProcedural placementIndirect renderingGPU cullingLevel of detailAdaptive densityInteractions With EnvironmentGlobal windLocal wind areasPrimitive interactors (for moving objects)Per-plant simulation parametersRuntime ModificationsAdd and remove plants runtimeC# Job SystemBurst CompilerSerialization support for save/loadMultiplatform - mobile support !Mobile support through Vulkan APIDoes NOT support OpenGLES2, OpenGLES3 and WebGLDesigned For URPAll paths supported: Forward, Forward+ and DeferredCross-FadePBR renderingSubsurface scatteringScene Editor ToolEasy integrationCustom brushPaint with variable densityWorks with any kind of 3D environment, not only terrain !Scripting APISeparate Assembly DefinitionRuntime changes supportFull source code includedSamples Included (demos NOT included)Generic mesh libraryGrassWheatMaizeStubbleStrawNOTE: Asset samples contains 3rd party textures - check 3rd Party Notice.txt file in main asset directory for details.Requires Unity 2022.3+.Requires at least 1 free game object layer - installed automatically if possible.Requires to add URP render feature - manual installation.Supports PC, Consoles and Mobiles.Does work with DirectX and Vulkan.Doesn NOT work with OpenGLES2, OpenGLES3 and WebGL.Dragon Foliage uses compute shaders, render textures andt texture2Darrays - make sure you support all of them.Works with multi-camera rendering.VR support is unknown - lack of testing possibilities.