Digital model of three female commentators.It has excellent optimization and can be used in AR/VR projects.These Characters rigs are based on Humanoid skeleton. We've struck a balance between performance and effectiveness. Ensure that these models can still ensure good operating results in mobile phones and AR/VR headsets.QianYue:Faces 13585 ZiXuan:Faces 14259 YaWen:Faces 17379 Animation count: 10BlendShapes count:20For performance. Textures are made at the discretion of different models. All have Diffuse textures, some have Normal textures, and some have AO.If you please, kindly take a few minutes to leave us rating or review. Your time and feedback is greatly appreciated and also help us continue developing asset in this style.Because we cannot confirm whether you have completely deleted the downloaded content. Once sold, no refunds of any kind will be accepted.QianYue:Faces 13585Tris 26570Verts 15341ZiXuan:Faces 14259Tris 26165Verts 13787YaWen:Faces 17379Tris 33582Verts 22049UV mapping:YesAnimation count: 10Animation type list:Idle_SitIdle_StandIntroduceToTheFront_01IntroduceToTheFront_02IntroduceToTheFront_03IntroduceToTheLeftIntroduceToTheRightSaluteSitDownWalkToFrontBlendShapes count:20BlendShapes type list:BlinkMouthOpenSmileOpenSmileCloseShockAngrySadThinkingCDGKNSTXYZCHJSHAEIBMPQWTHFVOLERU