The "2D City" game asset can help you create different types of 2D platformer games and other types of games too.All sprites and SFX can be modified using SVG and aup3 files.All Sprite size: (512 x 512), (1024 x 1024), (2048 × 2048), (4096 × 4096), (8192 × 8192)The package includes:Sprites :Player character7 Grounds2 Parallax Background (Day and Night)Normal MapOther Sprites :Buildings, Eighteen Trees, twenty-four bushes, Fences, Benches, Road lamps, Pillars, Windows, Plants with pots, Stairs, Walls, and Doors.Animations:Player character: Idle, Walk, Run, JumpEffects:Particles: Dust particles, Leaf falling particlesShaders: Wind effects, Sprite transparencySFX: Day and night ambient SFX, Inside building day and night ambient SFX, Door open and close SFX, Walk SFX, Run SFX, Jump SFX, Jump landing SFXCode:Character controllerParallax effectText pops upDay and Night CycleScene TransitionSFXNote:The sprites used in this game asset "2D City" were created using Inkscape, The SFX was created using Audacity, and the Normal Map was created using Krita. So, use Inkscape for arts and Audacity for SFX to avoid errors. Also, you can customize the normal map using any rasterize software like Photoshop, Gimp, Krita, etc.[Used source file(s)] sizesFile countAnimated: Yes/NoAnimation type listAdditional: Vector or pixel based?