What makes this Crate/Container different is the ability to fully customise the texture too suit your projects needs.This package contains a single crate model with realistic, PBR, procedural materials.This Package Contains:⭐ 1x Crate Model (507 polys (922tris).⭐ 1x .sbsar file, with custom colour changing and edgewear parameters.The supplied .sbsar procedurally generates the materials based on colour pickers to change the colour of the plastic top, bottom, handles and declas. Plus sliders for the level of wear and roughnessThese inputs then generate the following texture maps:-Base Colour-Normal-Metallic/Smoothness⭐The available parameters⭐-A Colour Picker for the Top Plastic-A Colour Picker for the Bottom Plastic-A Slider for the level of EdgeWear-A Slider for the Plastic Roughness Value-A Colour Picker for the Decal-A Colour Picker for the HandlesThe procedural textures can be generated at a resolution from 32x32 up to 2048x2048.Please note, for Unity 2018 users, the Procedural Texture Generator requires the Free Substance plugin from the asset store.https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/substance-3d-for-unity-213208If you do not wish to use the Substance Plugin for Unity there is also a great alternative, a free standalone program called Substance Player https://substance3d.adobe.com/documentation/sp31/substance-player-2294742.htmlSimply load the model and the .sbsar I have provided and generate your own materials using the customisation options.There are many texture formats to export too. Bring your textures into Unity or a program of your choice.Please contact me if you require any additional help.Enjoy!