coffee house SQUID $20.00 (no ratings) 3D 環境 Date Price 日期和时间 价钱($) 10/10(2023) 20.0 11/07(2024) 20.0 Jump AssetStore このアセットの説明 polygonal cozy coffee shopcoffee housebuilding, canopy, outdoor signpropsbartender's table (x6), neon sign (x3), menu, poster (x5), logo, syrup (x8), coffee bag (x2), trash can, lamp (x6), jar (x2), bear, vase, pack coffee (x2), electric stove, coffee maker, electric coffee maker, jug, coffee grinder, spilled coffee, coffee stand, bar table, chair (x2), table, cash desk, shelffoodcheesecake (x5), cookie (x2), sinabon, muffin (x2), croissant (x2), coffee (x5), coffee beans, coffee mug, coffee cup, cardboard cup (x3), plate, strawsthe total number of polygons in the project is 12840. Textures were used 2 images 1024x1024, 3 images 512x512 number of materials 5