Hair designer is an amazing tool for generating dynamic hair and fur within unity editor.
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Easy to use:
With a single component you can paint strands on the mesh. You can add layers with different settings and materials.
Full control :
you control the polycount, and the material settings in the same component : Shape, colors, density, wave, bounciness...
The fur generator is really easy to use, you can draw the fur on the model !
Generate your own hair texture with the included generator. Automatic generation of diffuse, normal, ao and Specular/aniso. You can change the settings and apply them in no time!
Fast :
For each layer, hair strands are packed into a single mesh. Motion is computed by GPU, it's very fast!
Dynamic :
Hair & Fur are deformed in the same way than the original mesh. Animation follow bones motion and inertia.
HDRP and URP Support:
The package includes addons for URP and HDRP compatibility.
short hair, long hair and fur are compatible.
the advanced fur is not compatible.
source code included
No support for mobile