Over 200 decals of blood, streaks, splats, hand prints, messages, letters and symbols and shader FX in this useful blood decal set.
Added animal paws!
URP and HDRP version sold separately or as upgrades.
Full control over how blood pools can grow and fade, control of ripples and fading and much more. Check out the latest video!
New Decal Shader added
Replacing the standard materials with this new shader gives full control of the age of the blood, from fresh to dried out. Script added to enable the blood to dry over a period of 2 minutes (adjustable in the inspector)
A drip effect shader with particle and mesh versions for the droplet, a custom shader drives the splat effect with full animation speed control.
Spurts and Gush
Particle and Animation based blood effects, the gush is more Manga or Cartoon style and the spurt is more for a realistic horror game.
All blood decals share 3 Materials with Albedo, Spec-Gloss and Normal maps is 2048*2048 Texture maps, perfect detail for their purpose with varying sizes all scalable and easy to place exactly where you want them.