A simple but super powerful scene manager / loader with a very helpful editor for quickly load scenes from editor mode.Remember to update the prefab (override it) for refresh the scenes loaded and to add them to the build settings.This tool focuses on a very specific part of video game development. When you need to load a scene, in play mode and editor mode. With a simple script for manage the scenes, and a button scene loader script to attach to any button for load specific scenes.We have created the ultimate tool for manage and load scenes.Load your scenes in play mode and editor mode with two simple scripts for manage everything.No need for code, just add the scripts and manage your scenes.A simple and intuitive interface for manage your scenes, load them and refresh them in case of new scenes are loaded.Enjoy this tool in any kind of project, with all the necessary documentation, and several test scenes, so you can get used to it, and see in which ways it could be useful for you.Scene Master has been created with the purpose of helping developers to manage their scenes on the projects.These are the technical details of Scene Master.With the Scene Management script manage your scenes in a easy way. Add any new scene by refreshing the manager. Load the scenes in editor mode just by clicking on the button with the name of your scene.Then you have the Button Scene Selector script, with an enum for select what scene you want to load. Just need to attach this script to the on click event of any button, and select the method "Load Scene" for load it.