Dynamic exposure and eye adaptation in URP.Looking for a huge discount? Get all OccaSoftware assets and tools when you buy the OccaSoftware Bundle.Recommended AssetsLSPPMotion Blur for URPOutline Objects- Add eye adaptation to your scenes.- Camera adapts automatically to bright or dark areas.- Configure base exposure, exposure curve, and floor and ceiling exposure values.- Add Overrides to Global or Local Volumes.- Control via API- Source code✅Updated to Unity 6!All the Occa Software assets are currently going through the process of being updated to Unity 6. If you run into any problems, please reach out to us!Discordhttps://occasoftware.com/discordCompatibilityCompatible with Unity 2022 LTS.Auto Exposure's Compute mode requires Shader Model 4.5+ to operate.Auto Exposure's Fragment mode supports platforms where Compute Shaders are not supported and is the recommended path for VR SPI.Demo Resources include...1 Demo Scene2 Demo Post Processing ProfilesAsset Resources include...1 Compute Shader1 Editor Script1 Render Feature1 Post Processing Override1 Assembly Definition (Editor)1 Assembly Definition (Runtime)