80 animated pixel characters with 11 animations for each. Aseprite source file included.This well designed hand-painted pixel art will greatly improve the quality of your game. All characters are animated with 11 different animations. Include animator with blend tree, prefabs for each character ready to be drag and drop into your project. Files.png texture with sprites × 80animation clips × 880animators × 80prefabs × 80.ase source file × 1CharactersAthlete × 10Businessman × 10Doctor × 10Footman × 5Crusader × 5Male Student × 5Female Student × 5VikingMan × 5VikingWoman × 5BigBoyBlondManBlondWomanBusinessElderlyCowboyFisherManHousewifeLittleGirlNormalBoyNormalGirlNormalLadyPoetRichLadyRichManSailorKidSchoolBoySchoolTeacherShopkeeperStreetGangsterYoungWomanAnimation ListIdle, Walk, Run, Jump Up, Jump Down, Squat Idle, Squat Walk, Swim Idle, Swim Move, Dash, Climb