Hand painted game item in pixel style. 675 sprites in at least 580 different design. Contains .ase source file which can be edit with Aseprite.This well designed hand-painted pixel art will greatly improve the quality of your game. Items are reasonably divided into three categories, and have enough content to make a finished game.PNG Texture ×3Ase Source File ×3Prefabs ×675Equipment Sprites ×225Amber, Anchor, ArmorBrave, ArmorClay, ArmorGold, ArmorIron, ArmorKnight, ArmorLeather, ArmorPaladin, ArmorSkull, ArmorStudded, ArmorWood, AxeBone, AxeButterfly, AxeCursed, AxeGold, AxeGreat, AxeIron, AxeJagged, AxeOrc, AxeStone, AxeWood, BambooSlips, BaseballBatIron, BaseballBatWood, Baton, BattleAxe, Bian, Blowgun, Bomb, Boomerang, BoStaffGold, BoStaffIron, BoStaffWood, BowGold, BowHarp, BowIron, BowMage, BowNature, BowSkull, BowSky, BowWood, BraceletGold, BraceletIron, Brandistock, ChainBarbed, ChainFist, ChainMace, ChainMace_1, ChainMail, ChainSpikeBall, Chakram, Circlet, ClawCat, ClawFox, ClawGold, ClawIron, ClawWood, CompoundBow, CrossAxe, CrossbowGold, CrossbowIron, CrossbowWood, Crown, Dagger, EmeiFork, EmeiPiercer, ErgonomicAxe, FishingPole, FlailEye, FlailGold, FlailHook, FlailIron, FlailMace, FlailPick, FlailSkull, FlailTriple, FlailWood, Fork, FoxMask, GasMask, GlovesBoxing, GlovesFairy, GlovesFire, GlovesGem, GlovesGold, GlovesGuard, GlovesIce, GlovesIron, GlovesMachine, GlovesMage, GlovesOrc, GlovesSand, GlovesSki, GlovesVelvet, GlovesWood, GoblinTrophy, GrapeBomb, Grenade, Halberd, HammerGoatHorn, HammerGold, HammerIron, HammerMoai, HammerPaladin, HammerRiceCake, HammerRuby, HammerThunder, HammerWood, HelmetBandit, HelmetFull, HelmetGold, HelmetIron, HelmetKnight, HelmetViking, HelmetWood, HookBig, HookBone, HookChicken, HookGold, HookHand, HookIron, HookJagged, HookJungle, HookPudge, HookRusty, HookTripple, JediCloak, Ji, Katars, KatarsJagged, KatarsRuby, KatarsTripple, KnifeGiant, KnuckleDuster, Kunai, MaceRound, MaceSkull, MaceSpiked, Magatama, MageRobe, MagicEyeball, MagicOrb, MagicPotion, ManCatcher, MandarinDuckAxe, MonkSpade, Naginata, NecklaceGold, NecklaceIron, NecklaceWood, Needle, NinjaStar, NinjaStarHalf, Nunchaku, Pendant, PickGold, PickIron, PickWood, PirateHat, PractitionerRobe, PrayerBeads, PrayerBeadsGold, RepeatingCrossbow, RingGold, RitualRuneCube, RitualSkull, RubyJewelBlue, RubyJewelGreen, RubyJewelRed, RubyJewelYellow, SafetyHelmet, Scimitar, ScimitarAgile, ScytheGold, ScytheIron, ScytheWood, ShoesFairy, ShoesGold, ShoesGuard, ShoesHiking, ShoesIron, ShoesKnight, ShoesMage, ShoesSand, ShoesSki, ShoesSpike, ShoesStudded, ShoesVelvet, ShoesWing, ShoesWood, Sickle, Slingshot, SpearGold, SpearIron, SpearWood, StaffFire, StaffLightning, StaffPoision, StaffWater, Swallow, SwordAgile, SwordCrimson, SwordCrutch, SwordDark, SwordGold, SwordGreat, SwordIron, SwordJagged, SwordPirate, SwordScarlet, SwordWood, TearGas, TheAncientOne, ThrowingAxe, ThrowingKnife, TopHat, Trident, VelvetDress, Wand, WandFairy, WandStar, WizardHat, WoodenClogs, WuXingHookFood Sprites ×225Alcohol, AppleGreen, AppleGreenCut, AppleRed, AppleRedCut, AppleWine, Apricot, ApricotCut, Arepa, Avocado, AvocadoCut, Bacon, BambooShoot, BambooShootCut, Banana, BananaCut, BaoZi, BeefCooked, BeefRaw, Beer, BlackPepper, Blueberry, BlueberryCut, BreadKnot, BreadPork, Broccoli, BroccoliCut, Butter, Cabbage, CabbageCut, CakeCream, CakeEmbryo, CakeRoll, Candy, Carambola, CarambolaCut, Carrot, CarrotCut, Cauliflower, CauliflowerCut, Cheese, Cherry, CherryCut, CherryMousse, ChickenLegCooked, ChickenLegRaw, ChickenWingCooked, ChickenWingRaw, Chili, ChiliCut, ChineseCabbage, ChineseCabbageCut, Chocolate, ChocolateMousse, Coconut, CoconutCut, CoconutJuice, Coffee, ColaBlue, ColaRed, Collard, CollardCut, Cookie, Coriander, CorianderCut, Corn, CornCut, CrabCooked, CrabRaw, Cream, CreamHorn, Croissant, Cucumber, CucumberCut, Curry, CurryRice, Donut, DriedBeef, Dumpling, Durian, DurianCut, Egg, Eggplant, EggplantCut, EggTart, EnergyDrink, EnokiMushroom, EnokiMushroomCut, FishCooked, FishRaw, Flounder, FlounderCooked, Flour, FriedEgg, FriedPorkInScoop, Fries, Garlic, GarlicCut, Ginger, GingerCut, GrapeGreen, GrapeGreenCut, GrapeJuice, GrapePurple, GrapePurpleCut, GrapeWine, GreenBeans, GreenBeansCut, GreenPepper, GreenPepperCut, GreenTea, Hamburger, Hawthorn, HawthornCut, Honey, Honeydew, HoneydewCut, Hotdog, IceCream, InstantNoodle, Ketchup, Kiwi, KiwiCut, Lemon, LemonCut, LemonWater, Lime, LimeCut, Liquor, LobsterCooked, LobsterRaw, Lollipop, LotusRoot, LotusRootCut, Lychee, LycheeCut, LyeRoll, Mango, MangoCut, Mangosteen, MangosteenCut, MapoTofu, MeatballCooked, MeatballRaw, MeatSkewersCooked, MeatSkewersRaw, Milk, MoonCake, Mulberries, MulberriesCut, MushroomBlue, MushroomBlueCut, MushroomGreen, MushroomGreenCut, MushroomOrange, MushroomOrangeCut, MushroomRed, MushroomRedCut, Noodle, Onigiri, OnionRing, Orange, OrangeCut, OrangeJuice, Papaya, PapayaCut, PassionFruit, PassionFruitCut, Peach, PeachCut, Peanut, PeanutCut, Pear, PearCut, Pineapple, PineappleCut, Pitaya, PitayaCut, Pizza, Pomegranate, PomegranateCut, Popcorn, Potato, PotatoChips, PotatoCut, Pterophyllum, PterophyllumCooked, Pudding, Pumpkin, PumpkinCut, Radish, RadishCut, Rice, Salt, SandwichBiscuit, SausageCooked, SausageRaw, Scallion, ScallionCut, SnailCooked, SnailRaw, Soup, Spaghetti, Spinach, SpinachCut, SquidCooked, SquidRaw, SteakCooked, SteakRaw, Strawberry, StrawberryCut, StrawberryJuice, SugarCube, Sushi, Taco, TakoMilk, Takoyaki, Toast, Tomato, TomatoCut, TurkeyCooked, TurkeyRaw, Watermelon, WatermelonCut, ZongziGeneral Sprites ×225123, ABC, AlarmClock, Antimatter, AntimatterCookie, Anvil, BadgeGold, BadgeIron, BarbieDoll, Basketball, Bass, Battery, Beetle, BegleriLegend, Bell, Bolt, Book, BookBlue, BookGreen, BookRed, BookYellow, BottledWater, BowlingBall, BowTie, BrokenBone, BucketIron, Bulb, Button, Camera, Candle, Capsule, Charcoal, ChessBishop, ChessKing, ChessKnight, ChessPawn, ChessQueen, ChessRook, ChristmasTree, Clay, Comb, Compass, Cone, Confetti, Cornet, CorrugatedBox, CottonBall, Crayon, Cross, CrossLegend, CrystalBall, CurseDoll, CuteGhost, CuttingBoard, DartBoard, DialogBox, Dice, Drill, Drum, Dumbbell, Ear, ElectricDrill, ElectricWire, ExplosiveBarrel, EyeBall, Fabric, Fan, Firecracker, FirstAidKit, FishBone, Fist, Flag, Flint, FlintPolished, FloppyDisk, FlowerCyan, FlowerPink, Flowerpot, FlowerRed, FlowerWhite, FlowerYellow, GamblingChip, GameboyLegend, GameConsole, Gamepad, GamepadLegend, Gem, GemBlue, GemGreen, GemOrange, GemRed, GiftBox, Glass, Gourd, Guitar, Gunpowder, Handbag, HandFan, HandFanLegend, Herb, HookIron, HookLegend, Horn, Hourglass, HourglassLegend, IngotGold, IngotIron, IronCage, IronWire, ItemCoin, ItemSand, Keyboard, KeyGold, KeyIron, KeyLegend, Lantern, Laptop, Leaf, LeafLegend, Leather, LegoBlockRed, LegoBlockWhite, Lens, Letter, Lighter, LockGold, LockIron, Love, MachineBeetle, Magnet, Map, MeatBone, MedalGold, MedalIron, Mirror, Monitor, MusicNote, Nose, NotepadLegend, Ocarina, OracleEye, Oruyanke, Paper, Paw, Pencil, PenLegend, Phone, Phonograph, PianoKeyboard, Pillow, PipeClay, PipeLegend, PokerCard, PositronScanner, PotionBlue, PotionEmpty, PotionGreen, PotionOrange, PotionRed, PottedPlant, Processor, Propeller, Radio, Ribbon, Rope, RubberBall, RubberDuck, Ruby, RubyBlue, RubyGreen, RubyOrange, RubyRed, RuneCube, RuneFire, RuneLightning, RunePoison, RuneWater, Saxophone, Scales, Scroll, Skull, SlotMachine, SoupCan, SpikeBall, SpoonFork, SpringIron, SpringLegend, Stone, StonePolished, Sucorn, Takodachi, Tape, Teapot, TeddyBearDoll, Telescope, TelescopeLegend, Tentacle, ToiletPaper, Tombstone, Tooth, Torch, TotemFire, TotemLightning, TotemPoison, TotemWater, Trap, TrayWood, TreeBranch, TreeBranchBundle, TreeStump, TreeTrunk, Trophy