Amazing music bundle for your projects!Introducing Fantasy Fanfare Music Asset Bundle! Immerse yourself in a world of captivating melodies and enchanting soundscapes with over 100 extraordinary soundtracks at your fingertips. Designed to cater to a diverse range of genres, this bundle brings you an exceptional collection of epic orchestral music, adventure themes, fantastical compositions, soothing chill tunes, atmospheric masterpieces, and so much more.Assets Bundled:Epic Medieval Fantasy Musics IEpic Medieval Fantasy Musics IIEpic Medieval Fantasy Musics IIIEpic Medieval Fantasy Musics IVEpic Medieval Fantasy Musics VFarming RPG Music Asset Pack IFarming RPG Music Asset Pack IIFarming RPG Music Asset Pack IIIFarming RPG Music Asset Pack IVFarming RPG Music Asset Pack VAdventure Music Asset Pack - RPG Medieval FantasyBattle Music Asset Pack - RPG Medieval FantasyDungeon Music Asset Pack - RPG Medieval FantasyTavern Music Asset Pack RPG Medieval FantasyVillage Music Asset Pack RPG Medieval FantasyGet a 33% discount on this pack if you own any of the packs below:Epic Medieval Music BundleFarming RPG Music BundleRPG Medieval Fantasy Music BundleMore Music Series:Atmospheric Harp MusicCute RPG MusicDark Fantasy MusicMore Assets Bundle from ElvGames:Rogue Adventure World Fantasy Dreamland WorldFarming Game WorldPlatformer Tilesets BundlePlease don't forget to review and provide us with your feedback on this package, that would really help us improve our work! :)This bundle contains everything you would need to make your game/project!100+ original high-quality WAV tracks (16-bit / 44.1 kHz)loopable tracks included!over 3 hours of music!youtube safe tracks!royalty free license!5.1GB of music!