An easy way to connect two scenes together!
No more guess work, no more struggles!
Transfer between scenes easily, just like it ought to be!Easy Scene Transfer is a new solution to connecting your scenes and levels in Unity!Ever had trouble making your player appear in the right place? Changing Build IDs got you down? Confusing and cumbersome processes wearing you out? No worries! Easy Scene Transfer seeks to fix all of that!With an intuitive destination picker and UI, connecting scenes is as easy as 1-2-3!Just:Place an Easy Scene Transfer objectSelect the Destination SceneUse the Destination Picker to select your player's destination locationAnd that's it! Easy Scene Transfer makes moving between levels and scenes easy as pie, just like it ought to be!Connect scenes with complete ease!Move player to desired location in destination sceneIntuitive Destination Picker Gizmo, no more guess work on where your player will end up!Super fast work process!