This is a pack of 6 LatLong, 8192x4096 HDR images shot in different locations around the world.These images were captured using the method described in an "Artist-Friendly Workflow for Panoramic HDRI" presented at Siggraph 2016 by Sebastien Lagarde, Sebastien Lachambre and Cyril Jover.Accurate, unclamped cubemaps of interior and exterior environments; HDRIs that include the Sun are provided with an alternate version with the Sun already removed.These HDRIs aim to be used with Unity's Look Dev tools, which offers support for both Sun and No Sun HDRI images. These maps can, of course, also be used in any 3D software.Asset is under CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication.All HDR images have been converted to cubemaps with a default size of 1024.In each folder there is an info.txt files that provides several details about the capture as well as a multiplier to convert to an absolute cubemap.Absolute Multiplier:This multiplier can be applied to the white balanced cubemap to convert it from a relative to an absolute cubemap, i.e a cubemap that contains the real world luminance emitted by the environment.Unity must be set to use the Linear pipeline for best results (whilst Gamma is supported, it will produce inaccurate results).