Lizards / Kobolds fantasy creatures with animations6 fantasy classShaman (10417 vertices)Ranger (10307 vertices)Barbarian (9752 vertices )Rogue (9520 vertices)Warrior (10792 vertices)Mage (9933 vertices)WeaponsShaman staff (1202 vertices)Spear (393 vertices)Axe (512 vertices)Shield (642 vertices)Sword (887 vertices)Mage staff (1041 vertices)3 color variants of kobolds.RedBrownGreenTextures (2048x2048)for all alternatives (green, red, brown)Albedo Ambient occlusionmetalnormalroughnessAnimations - Idle- Attack 1- Attack 2- Hit- Growling- Look around- Roar- Dead- Walk- Walk at one place- T pose