Revolutionize your Unity game's save system with our powerful and flexible solution. Safeguard progress, manage checkpoints, and restore game states effortlessly. Level up your game development today!The Robust Save System package provides a robust and reliable solution for preserving gameplay progress, even in situations where a game undergoes updates that introduce changes to the data being saved.When a game is released on platforms like Steam or other digital channels, updates are inevitable. These updates typically include bug fixes, addressing issues like faulty scene logic that may hinder players from progressing as intended. For example, imagine a puzzle-solving game with flawed logic that could trap players in an unwinnable state. In such cases, players may choose to save their progress in a file.However, if a player updates the game without a proper save system in place, loading the saved file may lead to the same invalid state or even cause the game to stop working altogether. Even if the save file does not contain faulty states, it may still cause issues because its data might not align with the newly updated game.To tackle these challenges, our save system is designed to preserve gameplay progress, even when save files cannot be loaded correctly due to updates. It ensures that players can continue their journey seamlessly, safeguarding their progress and preventing disruptions caused by incompatible save data."Savable Scene Object" component: This game object component utilises reflection to query fields and properties of neighbouring components, allowing you to choose which data should be saved."Savable State Machine" and "State Machine Saver" components: These components implement a Unity Visual Scripting state machine, preserving the active states during the saving process and restoring them during loading.Scene-independent data saving: You have the ability to save data that is not tied to specific scenes, such as the player's state, ensuring seamless continuity across different scenes.Prefab and instantiated prefab support: The save system supports prefabs and instantiated prefabs, allowing you to spawn savable objects.Asset events: The package includes asset events that are raised when the game is saved or loaded. These events provide hooks for you to respond to save/load actions and incorporate custom actions or logic.Simple checkpoint system: At the core of the solution lies a user-friendly checkpoint system. It facilitates tracking game progress, making it effortless to restore invalidated save files.PlantUML diagram generation: The package offers the functionality to generate PlantUML diagrams for your project's checkpoint setup. This feature aids in visualising the structure and relationships of your checkpoints.Global data lists modified through checkpoints: Similar to the concept of git, the package provides support for global data lists that can be modified through checkpoints, ensuring consistent and controlled changes that can be easily recreated.