A collection of motions seen at a Bar or casual Restaurant where there is a lot of conversation and social drinking. Featuring animations of spirited Talk and Drink, or simply relaxing.Animations of spirited Talk and Drink, or simply relaxing with some light Conversation or introspection, and everything in-between. There are people hanging out quietly, with or without a drink in their hand, some more lively gesturing with their hands and detailed finger movement, and a number of them acting a bit rowdier while taking a drink from their glass frequently.All show detailed and consistent interaction with the bar or tabletop, with arms, fingers, and glassware. Featuring Sitting at the bar, Standing at the bar, and Sitting at a table. There are male and female versions of the Sitting animations, the feminine versions having knees and feet together. All animations are included as Right Handed and Left Handed versions, for even more variety.Video PREVIEW - BAR HIGHLIGHT VideoAnimation LIST - BAR Animation List**NEW! MCO 3D Animation Viewer: BAR Animation PLAYER112 ANIMATIONS - 48 SITTING AT BAR, 48 SITTING AT TABLE, 16 STANDINGIncludes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments.Mocap Online - Unity Animation NotesMotusMan_V55 Skeleton and AvatarAll animations set as Humanoid.Animations provided on MotusManv55 skeleton using standard FBX bone names.3 Basic Stances: Sitting at the Bar, Standing at the Bar, and Standing at a Table.Detailed and consistent interaction with the bar or tabletop, with arms, fingers, and glassware.Two low poly glassware examples are included at the correct size and scale to help set up your environment and animation placement.The default height of the Tabletop is 75.2 cm.The default height of the Bar top is 115.2 cm.Male and female versions of the Sitting animations, the feminine versions having knees and feet together.All animations are included as Right Handed and Left Handed versions, for even more variety.Total of 112 Animation files - each of them approximately 30 seconds or more in length.All of them are perfect Loops and will repeat seamlessly.Randomly and strategically offsetting the start time of each 30-second loop, can easily populate a very large scene with no noticeable duplicates.Includes animation assets ONLY! MotusMan and MotusWoman characters are also included. Does not include any other objects or environments seen in the videos or images.