Sonity is an audio middleware giving you full control of your sound, all within Unity. Balancing ease of use with advanced features it will help you to quickly make your game sound good.Website | Video Tutorials | Documentation | Support | FAQSonity - Paid Version <- Paid versionSonity - Free Trial contains almost all of the features of the paid version.Except some features in the SoundManager which are greyed out.All assets created with the Free Trial is compatible with the paid version.So you can easily try Sonity out and then seamlessly upgrade to the paid version.New in 1.0.6: increase the volume of your sounds above 0dB.Components for triggering sounds without code.Live-edit and multi-edit everything with scripable objects.Use SoundParameters to control your sound in realtime.Automatic asset creation and reference finder.Music functionality like playlists, stems and intros.Visually debug sounds live in-game.Custom DSP filters and distortion per voice.Highly optimized system with IL2CPP support.Fully documented source code provided.Developed and used in commercial games.Crafted with my experience as a game audio professional.Sonity is supported and tested on Unity version 2018.3.0 or higherDisabling domain reloading in the “enter play mode options” is supported.Free Trial LimitationsCertain features in the SoundManager are unavailable.Compiled to a dll, no source code access.Only works for Unity 2019.2.0 and higher.Doesn't support "Enable Volume Increase" because it uses Scripting Define Symbols.Paid Version FeatuesContains all features.Support for "Enable Volume Increase", enabling you to increase the volume of sounds.Fully documented source code provided.Higher performance code because of conditional compilation.Support for WebGL (everything except DSP distortion/lowpass/highpass).Works for Unity 2018.3.0 or higher.How to UpgradeJust delete the “Sonity” folder and import the paid version of Sonity, all assets created with the free trial will continue to work.Unity 6, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019 -> Fully supported for testing in the editor.Paid Version -> Has sounds in builds and works for Unity 2018 also.Disabling domain reloading -> in the “enter play mode options” is supported.Adressables Support -> Deleting SoundEvents in runtime, cached GUIDs for comparison & addressable AudioMixer.