10 Idols/Figurines/Statues of a variety of creatures. All models have stone and bronze materials.If any purchaser contact me for a HDPR version, I will make HDPR version too.Idols/Figurines/Statues;ArchDemonLesser DemonAngelGargoyleWraithGiant / DwarfOctopusDog HeadDogWomanAll models have 3 LODsLOD0s' polygon count ranges between 4k and 8k.All models has 2 texture sets for 2 materials Bronze and Stone PBR materials.A total of 60 textures each material has Albedo, Metallic/Smoothness and Normal map.Texture dimensions for all texures are 1kHas 10x3(LODs) meshes and 20 prefabs with each material.Models are made to used as static objects and doesn't have a good topology. Also they are not rigged.