This is a sprite sheet with one hundred sprites of random things such as, fruit, vegetables, sweets / candy, hats, apparel, tools, symbols etc.
They are generic kid friendly things and they have been drawn in a minimal cell shaded style.
They have been designed to be colorful, distinct from each other, and also to all roughly fit into a circle of the same radius.
They would be suitable for a game in which you must match things, for example a match 3 type of game.
I have included the following resolutions
1024 x 1024 per sprite (original size)
512 x 512 per sprite (high resolution)
256 x 256 per sprite (low resolution)
I have also included a C# enum for the 100 sprites to make assigning them programatically easier.
If you have any feedback or suggestions please post on the following board.
I will endeavour to respond and address your issues as soon as possible, but please be aware of any time difference as I am based in Ireland.
Here is a list of all the sprites...
, apple_red
, orange
, lime
, lemon
, strawberry
, grapes_red
, grapes_green
, blackberry
, melon
, bananas
, orange_cut
, lime_cut
, lemon_cut
, melon_cut
, kiwifruit_cut
, tomato
, pepper_green
, pepper_yellow
, pepper_red
, potato
, mushroom
, mushroom_red
, cheese
, bread
, sandwhich
, egg
, egg_spotted
, egg_fried
, pretzel
, pizza
, cookie
, cupcake
, cake_sponge
, cake_chocolate
, doughnut
, doughnut_pink
, muffin
, marshmallow_pink
, marshmallow_white
, icepop_orange
, icepop_chocolate
, icepop_redwhiteblue
, sweet_pink
, sweet_blue
, sweet_yellow
, lollypop
, candycane
, hotchocolate
, soda
, flower_white
, flower_red
, bowlingball
, beachball
, football
, basketball
, tennisball
, eightball
, thirteenball
, baseball
, american_football
, pingpongbat
, bowlingpin
, boot
, glove_blue
, glove_pink
, shades
, tophat
, fez
, baseballcap
, leprechaunhat
, wollyhat
, propellerhat
, minershat
, sunhat
, cowboyhat
, sledgehammer
, clawhammer
, spanner
, saw
, pliers
, gear
, spoon
, fork
, knife
, present
, rubixcube
, dice
, earth
, saturn
, moon
, crystal_blue
, crystal_pink
, crystal_green
, cloud
, shamrock
, star
, heart
, musicalnote
, musicalnote_tw